- On the scorching summer day, he who is apt to sweat will perspire heavily.
炎炎夏日,爱出汗的他挥汗成雨。 - If a person is inclined to perspire, does this affect the impact of fragrance?
Don't Perspire. Inspire
Inspire to perspire
Aspire to perspire? I don't think so
An achievement to perspire to
Unite to Triumph than perspire to succumb
Live Long and Perspire: Exercise May Slow Aging at Chromosomal Level
Sexism Rears Its Ugly Head: Men Perspire More Than Women!
Thin type strip pattern hydroscopic perspire shell fabric
[Also solid slabs in stables are not allowed to perspire]. [German]
At school when I go to P.E., I perspire. Do you know why this happens?(Ask Doctor Cory)