pet food宠物食品
pet dog宠物狗;宠物犬
pet shop宠物商店,玩赏动物商店
pet peeve不能忍受的事;经常抱怨的问题
teacher's pet教师的宠儿
pet name爱称,昵称
pet phrase口头禅
pet scan abbr. 检验胴体尤其是脑部新陈代谢的断层扫描(Positron Emission Tomography Scan);正电子发射层析扫描(pet scanning)
in a pet一气之下
- The couple was doing some petting in the back seat of the car.
那一对在车後座狂热爱抚。 - As I am going downstairs, a dog comes up and I start petting him.
Reduction of state-anxiety by petting animals in a controlled laboratory experiment.
Zoonotic Cryptosporidiosis from Petting Farms, ...
Incident Invasive Breast Cancer, Geographic Location of Residence, and Reported Average Time Spent Outside : Millen AE, Pettinger M,...
Effect of petting a dog on immune system function
Outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H7 infections after petting zoo visits, North Carolina State Fair, October-November 2004.
Sound producing device stimulated by petting
Retreat Space and Human Visitor Density Moderate Undesirable Behavior in Petting Zoo Animals
Maternal presence limits the effects of early bottle feeding and petting on lambs’ socialisation to the stockperson
Risk behaviors for disease transmission among petting zoo attendees.
Observation of Practices at Petting Zoos and the Potential Impact on Zoonotic Disease Transmission