Subsidiaries and knowledge creation: the influence of the MNC and host country on innovation
Breakthrough innovations in the U.S. biotechnology industry: the effects of technological space and geographic origin
Subsurface drip irrigation of row crops: a review of 15 years of research at the Water Management Research Laboratory
Inhibition of the Staphylococcus aureus NADPH-dependent enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase by triclosan and hexachlorophene.
Oxidative Transformation of Triclosan and Chlorophene by Manganese Oxides
Innovation in Multinational Subsidiaries: The Role of Knowledge Assimilation and Subsidiary Capabilities
Catalytic behavior of the Fe 3+ /Fe 2+ system in the electro-Fenton degradation of the antimicrobial chlorophene
Electrical and optical properties of electrochemically prepared polyselenophene film
A selenophene-based low-bandgap donor-acceptor polymer leading to fast ambipolar logic.
High mobility ambipolar charge transport in polyselenophene conjugated polymers