phoniatricsPhoniatrics.PhoniatricsA brief history of IALP. International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics.International association of logopedics and phoniatrics (IALP) voice committee discussion of assessment topicsInternational Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics: News[Auditory processing and perception disorders - a definition : Guidelines of the German Society of Phoniatrics and Pedaudiology].An International Terminology in the Field of Logopedics and PhoniatricsMorbidity, Epidemiology and Systems Analysis in Phoniatrics: Introduction, Literature, UpdatingRole of videoendoscopy in phoniatrics: data from three years of daily practice[Quality assurance in phoniatrics. Recommendation for standardization of clinical voice evaluation]Book reviews, Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, Informa Healthcare[Use of instrumental vocal analysis in phoniatrics]