- Most ants have a natural plectrum built into their abdomens that they can rub to make sound.
PlectrumPlectrumPlectrumFloating blade plectrumMusical instrument double plectrumThe effects of plectrum parameters on harpsichord soundAnalysis of the harpsichord plectrum-string interactionThe influence of plectrum thickness on the radiated sound of the guitarPhysical modeling of the harpsichord plectrum-string interactionTransverse-longitudinal waves excited by a plectrum in a plucked instrument string ☆Sound synthesis of the harpsichord pluck using a physical plectrum-string interaction model.Synthesis of guitar by digital waveguides: Modeling the plectrum in the physical interaction of the player with the instrumentMechanical phase shifters for coherent acoustic radiation in the stridulating wings of crickets: the plectrum mechanism