- It doesn't stick and muddy soup with pliability and tasty.
Objective assessment of burn scar vascularity, erythema, pliability, thickness, and planimetryPOSS CONTAINING COSMETIC COMPOSITIONS HAVING IMPROVED WEAR AND/OR PLIABILITY AND METHODS OF MAKING IMPROVED COSMETIC COMPOSITIONSPliability RulesCentromeric chromatin pliability and memory at a human neocentromere.Pulsed dye laser treatment of hypertrophic burn scars.Skin elasticity meter or subjective evaluation in scars: a reliability assessment.Increased flexibility as a strategy for cold adaptation: a comparative molecular dynamics study of cold- and warm-active uracil DNA ...Objective measurement of hypertrophic burn scar: a preliminary study of tonometry and ultrasonography.Changes in the quality characteristics of chapati during storage.Protein dynamics from NMR