Poduran, an unusual tetraterpene from the springtail Podura aquaticaDas Komplexauge von Podura aquatica Ein primitives DoppelaugeMorphology and taxonomic position of Podura aquatica (Collembola).The Cuticle and Associated Structures of Podura Aquatica at the MoultTRANSPIRATION IN PODURA AQUATICA L. (COLLEMBOLA, ISOTOMIDAE) AND THE WETTING PROPERTIES OF ITS CUTICLEDie Paarbildung des Springschwanzes Podura aquatica (Apterygota [Urinsekten], Collembola)A site of water and ionic exchange with the medium in Podura aquatica L. (Collembola, Isotomidae)The spermatogenesis and oogenesis of the springtail Podura aquatica Linne, 1758 (Hexapoda: Collembola).The fully formed intermoult cuticle and associated structures of Podura aquatica (Collembola)XX. Thysanursæ Hibernicæ, or Descriptions of such Species of Spring‐tailed Insects (Podura and Lepisma, Linn.,) as have been obse...