- You need a dead-pan face to be a successful poker player.
成功地扮演一位没有表情的演员,你需要一副冷面孔。 - As we approached a mirror Dr. Bledsoe stopped and composed his angry face like a sculptor, making it a bland mask.
Poker Face
Lady Gaga: ''Paris Hilton no es una artista''
Lady Gaga y Poker Face logran seis millones de descargas
Annie Duke
Pokerface Time | I Know We Can Be Happy To Others Yet Be Crying On The Inside
Boris Becker, das Pokerface / Nachbericht des "Boris is back"-Pokerturniers mit Boris Becker
The poker face of the Majoron dark matter model: LUX to keV line
Poker Face, Smiley Face, and Rant ‘n’ Rave: Myths and Realities about Emotion in Negotiation
That "poker face"just might lose you the game! The impact of expressive suppression and mimicry on sensitivity to facial expression...
Pokerface: Partial order keeping and energy repressing method for extreme face illumination normalization
Poker face: Gender, race and representation in online poker