Perspective: The Politest of Protests for an English RevolutionHarper Lee's Handwritten Note Was Politest Rejection PossibleHong Kong's 'Umbrella Revolution': The Politest Protests Ever?Setting the record straight: physicians are the politest doctorsCOURTESY CARDIFF; Welsh Capital Is Home to Britain's Politest DriversCherry Red Breeches, a Plastic Horse's Head and the Politest of PlacardsLast Week Terry Butcher Asked Why Scots Don't Support England. Here Are the Politest RepliesI'm Me and Damn Proud of It; Canadian Beer Ad Arouses Nationalist Sentiment in the Politest of Peoples[Sequential infusion of GHRH 1-29NH2, LHRH and TRH for evaluating the hypophyseal reserve. Comparison with Politest]Infusione sequenziale di GHRH 1-29NH2, LHRH e TRH per la valutazione della riserva ipofisaria: confronto con il Politest.