PolyneuritisPolyneuritis.POLYNEURITIS[ACUTE IDIOPATHIC POLYNEURITIS.]The etiology of "alcoholic "polyneuritis.Acute idiopathic polyneuritis. An electron microscope studyCell‐mediated immunity in idiopathic polyneuritisRECURRENT AND CHRONIC RELAPSING GUILLAIN-BARRÉ POLYNEURITISThe use of steroids in the treatment of idiopathic polyneuritisThe inflammatory lesion in idiopathic polyneuritis. Its role in pathogenesis.Myelin basic protein as an encephalitogen in encephalomyelitis and polyneuritis following rabies vaccination.Neuronal antinuclear antibody (anti-Hu) in paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis simulating acute polyneuritis.Complement-fixing antiperipheral nerve myelin antibodies in patients with inflammatory polyneuritis and with polyneuropathy and para...