- Waves popple in the Yellow River.
Analysing Community Work: Theory and Practice
Effect of multileaf collimator leaf width on physical dose distributions in the treatment of CNS and head and neck neoplasms with in...
Unilateral auto-PEEP in the recipient of a single lung transplant.
Preoperative radiation therapy with selective dose escalation to the margin at risk for retroperitoneal sarcoma
Feasibility of single-isocenter volumetric modulated arc radiosurgery for treatment of multiple brain metastases.
Dosimetric and radiobiological impact of dose fractionation on respiratory motion induced IMRT delivery errors: a volumetric dose me...
A dosimetric comparison of electronic compensation, conventional intensity modulated radiotherapy, and tomotherapy in patients with ...
The chemokine, CXCL12, is an independent predictor of poor survival in ovarian cancer.
Validation of target volume and position in respiratory gated CT planning and treatment.
Dosimetric effect of respiration-gated beam on IMRT delivery