shrinkage porosity收缩气孔巢
secondary porosity次生孔隙度
apparent porosity显气孔率;虚表孔率
soil porosity土壤孔隙度
open porosity开孔孔隙度;开孔率
gas porosity气孔;疏松度
porosity log孔隙度测井
primary porosity原生孔隙度
- Resistance to flow may be high enough to cause microvoids and porosity.
流动阻力可能太高,从而导致微孔和多孔。 - The influence of porosity in oil bearing material on oil extraction is described.
本文主要描述了物料的多孔性对油脂制取的影响。 - The residual porosity indicates the compaction state of the formations.
Porosity of 3D biomaterial scaffolds and osteogenesis.
Ultrahigh Porosity in Metal-Organic Frameworks
[Report] Ultrahigh Porosity in Metal-Organic Frameworks
A route to high surface area, porosity and inclusion of large molecules in crystals.
Self-ordering Regimes of Porous Alumina: The 10 Porosity Rule
Bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy : 6. Effects of porosity
A Homochiral Metal–Organic Material with Permanent Porosity, Enantioselective Sorption Properties, and Catalytic Activity
Postmenopausal women with osteopenia have higher cortical porosity and thinner cortices at the distal radius and tibia than women wi...
Reporting physisorption data for gas/solid systems with special reference to the determination of surface area and porosity (Recomme...
Reporting physisorption data for gas/solid systems with special reference to the determination of surface area and porosity (Recomme...