Postvocalic/r in Scottish English: Sound change in progress?Postvocalic /锚/ in Scottish English: sound change in progressPostvocalic /r/ as an Index of Integration into the BEV Speech CommunityEffects of postvocalic voicing on the time course of vowels and diphthongsRealization of the English postvocalic [voice] contrast in F 1 and F 2A sociophonetic investigation of postvocalic /r/ in Glaswegian adolescentsA parametric approach to the phonetics of postvocalic /r/ in DutchDevelopmental use of vowel duration as a cue to postvocalic stop consonant voicingVowel duration as a perceptual cue to postvocalic consonant voicing in young children and adultsPerceptual Similarity in Loanword Adaptation: English Postvocalic Word-Final Stops in Korean