Praetorium at Housesteads along Hadrian's Wall
"Princeps"e "ius praetorium"
Praetorium speluncae :Tiberius und Ovid in Sperlonga
A preliminary study of the praetorium of the Zenobia-Halabieh city
Jn 18, 28: ¿por qué no entraron en el "praetorium"?
La Fusione del Ius Civile e del Ius Praetorium in unico ordinamento
The promontory palace at Caesarea Maritima: preliminary evidence for Herod's Praetorium
Gigantum ossa et arma heroum: Note sur les objets réunis par Auguste dans le praetorium impérial de Capri (circa 15 av. J.-C. - 14...
On the toponyms Lithostroton and Gabbatha in the Gospel of John 19,13. With an attempt at locating Pilate's Praetorium
Josep Anton Remolà Vallverdú - Meritxell Pérez Martínez (2013), "Centcelles y el praetorium del comes Hispaniarum Asterio en Tar...