TENTAGE STRUCTUREDie ersten GermanistentageMicrobial Deterioration of Tentage in Hot-Humid Region of AssamDeterioration of tentage in India- resistance to deterioration of variously dyed / treated tentage fabricEnergy survey on family level in Afghan refugee tentage village in Pakistan.Dwelling space repellents: their use on military tentage against mosquitoes in Kenya, East Africa.How does shade affect Zoysia matrella? Learning observations of Zoysia turf under tentageA Study of Some Factors Affecting the Tear and Water-Resistance of Lightweight Clothing and Tentage FabricsGemeinsame Empfehlungen des Medizinischen Fakultätentages (MFT) und der Kommission für Krankenhaushygiene und Infektionspräventio...Konzeption und Erfahrungen mit dem deutschen Master of Medical Education (MME)-Studiengang des medizinischen Fakult tentages (MFT) a...