- The workers took control of the factory in order to pre-empt its sale by the owners.
Widespread transcriptional changes pre-empt the critical pelagic-benthic transition in the vetigastropod Haliotis asinina.
Lack of adequate appreciation of physical exercise's complexities can pre-empt appropriate design and interpretation in scientific d...
System for multiplexing prioritized virtual channels onto physical channels where higher priority virtual will pre-empt a lower prio...
The MVA Pre-empt resume priority approximation
Preventing disease through opportunistic, rapid engagement by primary care teams using behaviour change counselling (PRE-EMPT): prot...
Preeclampsia in Low and Middle Income Countries—Health Services Lessons Learned From the PRE-EMPT (PRE-Eclampsia–Eclampsia Monitor...
Can ¯oral repellents pre-empt potential ant±plant con¯icts?
Efforts to pre-empt an equine influenza epidemic
Risk Factors for BK Virus Infection and BK Virus-Associated Nephropathy Under the Impact of Intensive Monitoring and Pre-emptive Imm...
PRE-EMPT (PRE-eclampsia-Eclampsia Monitoring, Prevention and Treatment): A low and middle income country initiative to reduce the gl...