PreamplifierPreamplifierPreamplifierPreamplifier circuitA micropower dry-electrode ECG preamplifierDesign of a low-noise preamplifier for nerve cuff electrode recordingLow-voltage CMOS current-mode preamplifier: analysis and designA low-power high-PSRR current-mode microphone preamplifierA Low-Noise Preamplifier with Adjustable Gain and Bandwidth for Biopotential Recording ApplicationsNoise performance design of CMOS preamplifier for the active semiconductor neural probeA high-resolution NMR probe in which the coil and preamplifier are cooled with liquid helium ☆S/N and error rate performance in AlGaAs semiconductor laser preamplifier and linear repeater systemsHigh-contrast, high-intensity laser pulse generation using a nonlinear preamplifier in a Ti:sapphire laser system