Prebattle Decision Support in Field Air defence C3I Systems。The General's Pre-Battle Exhortation in Graeco-Roman WarfareAnalisis Terjemahan Pre-Battle Dialogue yang Merefleksikan Myth dari Hero dalam Trilogi Video Game Devil May Cry Karya Capcom (Pende...ANALISIS DAMPAK TERJEMAHAN PRE-BATTLE DIALOGUE TERHADAP MYTH YANG DIREFLEKSIKAN HERO DALAM TRILOGI VIDEO GAME DEVIL MAY CRY KARYA CA...4 Pre-Battle SpeechesCaesar's Pre-Battle Speech at Pharsalus (B.C. 3.85.4): Ridiculum Acri Fortius ... Secat ResThe Battle at Ramoth Gilead (2 Chr 18:28-19:3) and the Pre-Battle Deliberations of Ahab and Jehoshaphat (2 Chr 18: 1-27)Troops blow off steam, 'Ben-Hur' style Marines surrounding Fallujah try to cut pre-battle tensionThe Pre-Battle Speeches of Alexander at Issus and GaugamelaEncouraging Troops, Persuading Narratees: Pre-Battle Exhortations in Caesar’s Bellum Gallicum as a Narrative Device: Literary Persp...