“Target moisture content” prechill overcomes the dormancy of temperate conifer seedsEffects of bird density on Salmonella contamination of prechill carcasses.Inhibition of Prechill-induced Dark Germination in Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. Seeds by Phytochrome TransformationsEvaluation of carcass scraping to enumerate bacteria on prechill broiler carcasses.The Effect of Temperature and Time of Prechill Immersion on Total Moisture Absorption by Fryer ChickensVisible ingesta on prechill carcasses does not affect the microbiological quality of broiler carcasses after immersion chilling.Effect of prechill fecal contamination on numbers of bacteria recovered from broiler chicken carcasses before and after immersion ch...Effects of Reprocessing on Microbiological Quality of Commercial Prechill Broiler CarcassesThe effect of moisture content and prechill duration on the efficiency of dormancy breakage in Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) seed.Effect of high-temperature inside-outside spray on survival of campylobacter jejuni attached to prechill chicken carcasses