Development of behavior in precocial birds
Patterns of development: the altricial-precocial spectrum
Can Nest Predation Limit Clutch Size in Precocial Birds?
Fluctuating trade-offs favour precocial maturity in male Soay sheep
Metabolism of Avian Embryos: Patterns in Altricial and Precocial Birds
Effect of Food Quality on the Energetics of Reproduction in a Precocial Rodent, Octodon degus
Parental Quality and Egg Size Affect Chick Survival in a Precocial Bird, the Lapwing Vanellus vanellus
Avian Growth and Development: Evolution within the Altricial-Precocial Spectrum by J. Matthias Starck; Robert E. Ricklefs
The Development of Enzymes of Energy Metabolism in the Brain of a Precocial (Guinea Pig) and Non‐Precocial (Rat) Species
Validation of the doubly labeled water method in growing precocial birds: the importance of assumptions concerning evaporative water...