Isosexual precocity: current concepts and recent advances.
Physiological correlates of extreme intellectual precocity.
The roles of talent, physical precocity and practice in the development of soccer expertise.
The roles of talent, physical precocity and practice in the development of football expertise
Multiple successional pathways and precocity in forest development: can some forests be born complex?
Environmental Effects of Motor Development: The Case of African Precocity
Do early talkers become early readers? Linguistic precocity, preschool language, and emergent literacy.
Environmental effects on motor development: the case of "African infant precocity"
Long-term exposure to continuous light inhibits precocity in European male sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, L.): hormonal aspects.
Long-term exposure to continuous light inhibits precocity in juvenile male European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, L.). I. Morpholo...