- There was no doubt that Florence's age and kindness had led Elizabeth, with no premeditation, to take Florence into her confidence.
毫无疑问,正是由于弗洛伦斯的年纪和仁慈才使伊丽莎白没经过深思熟虑就向她吐露了心中的秘密。 - The country's provocation after the June 29 armed clash is an act of premeditation.
Premeditation and happenstance: The social construction of intention, action and knowledge
Predicting Premeditation: Future Behavior is Seen as More Intentional than Past Behavior
Dexmedetomine as intramuscular premeditation for day-case cataract surgery
Correlates of proximal premeditation among recently hospitalized suicide attempters
Perish the Forethought: Premeditation Engenders Misperceptions of Personal Control
Executive function and criminal fantasy in the premeditation of criminal behaviour
Intimate Femicide Followed by Suicide: Examining the Role of Premeditation
Fast and furious: The influence of implicit aggression, premeditation, and provoking situations on malevolent creativity.
Drinking motives as mediators of the impulsivity-substance use relation: pathways for negative urgency, lack of premeditation, and s...