用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- press a bell按铃
- press a button按电钮
- press a demand坚持要求
- press a policy强行贯彻一项政策
- press baby抱紧婴儿
- press clothes熨衣服
- press grapes榨葡萄
- press juice挤汁
- press oil榨油
- press one's way奋力前进,向前挤
- press sb's hand紧握某人的手
- press steel轧制钢材
- press table压桌子
- press the trigger of a gun扣扳机
~+副词- press hard用力压
- press home极力(辩护)
- press affectionately亲切地握住
- press brusquely粗暴地压
- press brutally蛮横地压
- press cautiously小心地压
- press darkly无知地压
- press directly直接压
- press emotionally激动地握住
- press forcibly强有力地按住
- press heavily沉重地压
- press hotly热压
- press indirectly间接压
- press lightly轻轻地压
- press strongly竭力地压
- press tenderly轻柔地按住
- press tightly紧紧握住
- press warmly热情地握紧
- press ahead奋力前进
- press back推回去,击退
- press crowd back迫使人群后退
- press down向下压
- press forward向前推进
- press on向前逼进
- press on and on不断向前逼近
~+介词- press against推,将…压在…上
- press against door用力推门
- press a charge against对(某人)起诉
- press ear against door把耳朵紧贴在门上
- press sb against wall使某人贴住墙
- press for反复要求,敦促
- press for an answer催促答复
- press sb for details向某人追问详情
- press for reform迫切要求改革
- press oil from soya beans榨取豆油
- press into使压成,逼…致使,把…塞入
- press sb into confession逼某人坦白,逼供
- press clay into various forms把泥压成各种形状
- press on〔upon〕按,将…压在…上,使负重担,压迫
- press on button按电钮或键
- press sth out of从…中榨出
- press through a door挤过一扇门
- press ahead with effort加紧努力
- press with hunger为饥饿所迫
- press hard with questions不断诘问
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- censor the press检查新闻舆论
- control the press控制新闻舆论
- go to press付印
- have a good press受新闻界的好评
- muzzle the press压制新闻舆论
形容词+~- bad press在报上名声不好
- blue press黄色的报刊
- foreign press外国报刊
- free press享有新闻自由的报刊
- good press在报上受好评
- gutter press格调低下的报刊,三流小报
- local press当地报刊
- military press(举重运动推举中只用臂力的)硬推,实力推
- permanent press永久性熨平
名词+~- bench press卧推
- cider press苹果汁榨取机
- full-court press全场紧逼防守
- university press大学附属出版社
- wine press(酿酒用的)葡萄压榨机
- the Associated P-美联社
- the United P-合众社
~+名词- press agent宣传员
- press association国际新闻通讯社
- press conference记者招待会
- press corps记者团
- press corrector校对员
- press correspondent新闻通讯员
press conference记者招待会,新闻发布会
in the press正在印刷;即将出版
press the button按钮;按键
press down压
hydraulic press液压机;水压机;油压机
associated press美联社
printing press印刷机
press release新闻稿;通讯稿
press in压入
press for迫切要求
press on强加于;向前推进
filter press压滤机
hot press热压;热压机
press any key按任意键
power press动力印刷机,电动印刷机
press machine压床
offset press胶印机
oxford university press牛津大学出版社
press ahead继续进行
freedom of the press新闻自由;出版自由
- Please press the controller to turn the machine on.
请按控制器来开机。 - Press this button in case of fire.
遇火灾时按下此钮。 - The book is crumpled and needs press.
书皱了需要压一压。 - Press firmly on the wound to stop the bleeding.
- He denied that he had leaked the news to the press.
他否认曾将这则消息泄漏给新闻界。 - The press has given the show a tremendous build-up.
新闻界为这一演出大造声势。 - This press publishes educational books.
这家出版社出版教育书籍。 - The press is ready to turn out a huge new edition.
该出版社准备出一本大部头新版本。 - We read news in the daily press.
我们从每天的报刊上看新闻。 - This kind of newspaper is alternative press.
这种报纸是非正统性报刊。 - The government's new policy received a good press.
政府的新政策受到新闻舆论的好评。 - The book is crumpled and needs press.
书皱了需要压一压。 - Every room in the hotel has an electric trouser press.
饭店每个客房都备有熨裤子的电熨烫机。 - The printing press was set up on the ground floor.
印刷机安装在一楼。 - We had a lot of bother in repairing the press machine.
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