Primordial Follicle
Primordial Follicle
Development in vitro of mouse oocytes from primordial follicles.
Control of primordial follicle recruitment by anti-Mullerian hormone in the mouse ovary
Anti-Mullerian hormone inhibits initiation of primordial follicle growth in the mouse ovary.
Ablation of bcl-2 gene expression decreases the numbers of oocytes and primordial follicles established in the post-natal female mou...
Initiation in vitro of growth of bovine primordial follicles.
Development of human primordial follicles to antral stages in SCID/hpg mice stimulated with follicle stimulating hormone.
Mouse ovarian germ cell cysts undergo programmed breakdown to form primordial follicles
A Revised Protocol for In Vitro Development of Mouse Oocytes from Primordial Follicles Dramatically Improves Their Developmental Com...