- Menopausal women who still hae a uterus take a combination of estrogen and progestin.
仍有子宫的更年期女性应同时服用雌激素和孕酮。 - The researchers note that women who had used more androgenic types of progestin formulas had higher serum leels of progesterone during early pregnancy.
研究院解释服用更多促雄性性状的黄体酮的母亲在早期怀孕时血清孕酮的水平更高。 - The researchers note that women who had used more androgenic types of progestin formulas had higher serum leels of progesterone during early pregnancy.
Estrogen plus progestin and risk of coronary heart disease
Postmenopausal estrogen and progestin use and the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Effects of Estrogen Plus Progestin on Risk of Fracture and Bone Mineral Density: The Women's Health Initiative Randomized Trial
Randomised trial of estrogen plus progestin for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in postmenopausal women
Influence of Estrogen Plus Progestin on Breast Cancer and Mammography in Healthy Postmenopausal Women: The Women's Health Initiative...
Effects of Estrogen or Estrogen/ Progestin Regimens on Heart Disease Risk Factors in Postmenopausal Women: The Postmenopausal Estrog...
Risks and Benefits of Estrogen Plus Progestin in Healthy Postmenopausal Women. Principal Results from The Women's Health Initiative ...
Noncardiovascular disease outcomes during 6.8 years of hormone therapy. heart and estrogen/progestin replacement study follow-up (HE...
Risks and benefits of estrogen plus progestin in healthy postmenopausal women. Principal results from the Women9s Health Initiative ...
Rossouw JE, Anderson GL, Prentice RL, et al. Risks and benefits of estrogen plus progestin in health postmenopausal women: principal...