用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- progressive cancer恶性肿瘤
- progressive person有进取心的人
副词+~- exceptionally progressive特别进步的
- incredibly〔unbelievably〕 progressive进步得令人难以置信
progressive die[机]级进模;顺序冲模
progressive party美国进步党
democratic progressive party民进党
progressive development n. 前进发展
progressive cavity pump螺杆泵;螺杆抽油泵
progressive forces进步力量
progressive tax累进税
progressive movement进步运动;渐进运动
progressive scan逐行扫描
progressive rate累进税率
- She is the most progressive writer of that times.
她是那个时代最进步的作家。 - That famous progressive thinker was asked to deliver a speech at the meeting.
那位著名的进步思想家被邀请在会议上发表演讲。 - History can not hold progressive movement.
历史无法阻挡前进的步伐。 - He noted a progressive speech impediment.
他发觉,说话障碍逐渐厉害起来。 - This is a progressive course in English study.
这是英语学习的渐进课程。 - Nowadays,progressive rock is sometimes hard to accept by the fans.
- The butchers at Pingkiang killed progressive people.
平江惨案的那些刽子手,他们把进步分子杀了。 - Read was a progressive without being wholly partisan.
...W: improving the sensitivity of progressive ...
W}: improving the sensitivity of progressive multiple sequence alignment through sequence weighting, position-specific gap penalties...
U.K. prospective diabetes study 16. Overview of 6 years' therapy of type II diabetes: a progressive disease. U.K. Prospective Diabet...
Glycemic Control With Diet, Sulfonylurea, Metformin, or Insulin in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Progressive Requirement f...
Design and End Points of Clinical Trials for Patients With Progressive Prostate Cancer and Castrate Levels of Testosterone: Recommen...
Exon 1 of the HD gene with an expanded CAG repeat is sufficient to cause a progressive neurological phenotype in transgenic mice
View-dependent refinement of progressive meshes
Classification of primary progressive aphasia and its variants.
Low‐level increases in serum C‐reactive protein are present in early osteoarthritis of the knee and predict progressive disease
Regular and irregular progressive edge-growth tanner graphs