- Since property companies pay steep prices for land, they are often motivated to build high-end projects to recoup their investment.
RESULTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2011Saver or Spender?property-developerBiometric version 1.8. A terrestrial biodiversity assessment tool for the NSW property vegetation plan developer: operational manualExploring the ‘Notional Property Developer’ as a Policy ConstructCreative Climate and Learning Culture: Their Contributions towards Innovation within a Property Developer Organization-A ReviewImage forming apparatus and method of determining degradation of charging property of developerSTRATEGIC PLANNING OF UK HOUSEBUILDERS: CASE STUDY OF A MAJOR PROPERTY DEVELOPERStrategic planning of UK housebuilders: Case study of a major property developerNew Lease of Life for a Mansion; A Derelict Building in Solihull Rescued by a Property Developer and Lovingly Restored Is Being Laun...