propionic acid丙酸(用于防止面包发霉)
Methylmalonic propionic aciduriaMetabolism of propionic acid in animal tissues.High propionic acid fermentations and mineral accumulation in the cecum of rats adapted to different levels of inulin.The aryl propionic acid R-flurbiprofen selectively induces p75NTR-dependent decreased survival of prostate tumor cells.Phosphorylation of the α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole4-propionic Acid Receptor GluR1 Subunit by Calcium/ Calmodulin-dependent ...Phosphorylation of the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole4-propionic acid receptor GluR1 subunit by calcium/calmodulin-dependen...Highly Enantioselective Phase Transfer Catalyzed Alkylation of a 3-Oxygenated Propionic Ester Equivalent; Applications and MechanismPoly(ethylene glycol) and related polymers monosubstituted with propionic or butanoic acids and functional derivatives thereof for b...Chemistry of bleomycin. VII. Synthesis of -amino- -(4-amino-6-carboxy-5-methylpyrimidin-2-yl)-propionic acid, an amine component of...Microbial populations, fermentation end-products, and aerobic stability of corn silage treated with ammonia or a propionic acid-base...