- A wall or embankment, as in a mine or along a waterfront, that acts as a protective barrier.
Protective barrierPROTECTIVE BARRIERProtective barrierThe ependyma: a protective barrier between brain and cerebrospinal fluidAdhering pattern and removable protective barrier for a modular printing componentExploring graphene as a corrosion protection barrierProtective barrier effect of the posterior lens capsule in exogenous bacterial endophthalmitis: an experimental pseudophakic primate...Transparent protective barrier for fluoroscopy during angiographyPrediction of airblast loads on structures behind a protective barrierHydrologic Modeling of Protective Barriers: Comparison of Field Data and Simulation ResultsPancreatic ductal mucosa as a protective barrier in the pathogenesis of pancreatitisLong term corrosion on T91 and AISI1 316L steel in flowing lead alloy and corrosion protection barrier development: Experiments and ...Alpha-particle-induced charge collection measurements and the effectiveness of a novel p-well protection barrier on VLSI memories