ptyalinptyalinThe ptyalin content of human saliva in old age.Direct potentiometric determination of ptyalin in salivaDirect Potentiometric Determination of Ptyalin in SalivaMalt Diastase And Ptyalin In Place of Saliva in The Identification of GlycogenTHE EFFECT OF TRYPSIN AND PTYALIN PREPARATIONS ON THE GONADOTROPIC ACTIVITY OF PITUITARY EXTRACTSUeber die Ausscheidung der Verdauungsfermente (Pepsin, Trypsin, Ptyalin) aus dem Organismus bei gesunden und kranken MenschenExtraction and Purification of Polyphenols from Ilex paraguarensis and Its Effects on Activity of Ptyalin[Influence of moxibustion with small moxa-cone on the activity ptyalin and the contents of medium molecules in plasma to patients wi...