rice pudding大米布丁
christmas pudding圣诞布丁(一种干果布丁)
plum pudding n. 葡萄干布丁
yorkshire pudding约克郡布丁
milk pudding牛奶布丁
Non-curdling milk and puddingsNew functional fibre in milk puddings: Effect on sensory properties and consumers' acceptabilityVegetable proteins and milk puddingsMETHOD OF MAKING PUDDINGS CONTAINING SOY PROTEINSuccinylated Whey Protein Concentrates in Ice Cream and Instant PuddingsFood Projects in London: Lessons for Policy and Practice--A Hidden Sector and the Need for "More Unhealthy Puddings ... Sometimes".Pasting and rheological behavior of soy protein-based puddingPerception of Sweetness Intensity Determines Women's Hedonic and other Perceptual Responsiveness to Chocolate Food ☆ ☆☆Microalgae for biodiesel production and other applications: A reviewFatty acid composition of the fat in selected food items with emphasis on trans components1