Ein Pulli für den TigerUnd der Pulli war umsonstPulli-carrying behaviour in wolf spiders (Lycosidae, Araneae)A Topological Approach to Creating any Pulli Kolam, an Artform from Southern IndiaSTUDIO DELLA MORTALITÀ DI PULLI DI FRATINO CHARADRIUS ALEXANDRINUS SUL LITORALE DI SENIGALLIA E MONTEMARCIANO (MARCHE, AN)Description of the Pulli Stages of Telotha henselii (Von Martens, 1869) (Isopoda, Cymothoidae), with New Hosts and Locality Records ...On the passage of yolk into the intestines of the chick (De vitelli in intestina pulli transitu) Nicolaus StenoIs trichotillomania a stereotypic movement disorder? An analysis of body-focused repetitive behaviors in people with hair-pulling.Investigation of the Adhesive Residue on the Flint Insert and the Adhesive Lump Found from the Pulli Early Mesolithic Settlement Sit...EXPANDED GRAPHITE SHEET, METHOD OF PROTECTING CARBONACEOUS CRUCIBLE USING THE EXPANDED GRAPHITE SHEET, AND SINGLE-CRYSTAL PULLING AP...