purge gas净化气体;吹扫用的气体
purge of清洗,清除
air purge空气吹扫;空气净化
gas purge气体清洗;气体净化
- The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers.
新总统对不忠诚的陆军军官进行了一次整肃。 - The Red Guards carried out the purge too enthusiastically, often acting without close direction from Peking.
红卫兵非常狂热地贯彻执行了清除,横扫了北京的各个方面。 - The medicine was an effective purge.
这是疗效很好的泻药。 - We may purge water by distillation.
我们可以用蒸馏法使水净化。 - Based on overall analysis and delicate engineering calculation, an exhaust gas purge device for EPC casting was designed.
- We may purge water by distillation.
我们可以用蒸馏法使水净化。 - They tried to purge metal of dross.
他们试图清除金属熔化时浮升表面的渣滓。 - We need to purge our sport of racism.
我们必须消除体育界的种族主义。 - The mayoral candidate has promised to purge the police department.
Real-world Data is Dirty: Data Cleansing and The Merge/Purge Problem
Real-world Data is Dirty: Data Cleansing and The Merge/Purge Problem
Real - world data is dirty: Data cleansing and the merge/purge problem for large databases
Binge/purge oscillations of the Laurentide Ice Sheet as a cause of the North Atlantic's Heinrich events
Diagnosis and treatment of severe hematochezia. The role of urgent colonoscopy after purge
The merge/purge problem for large databases
Binge/purge oscillations of the Laurentide ice sheet as a cause of the North Atlantic’s Heinrich events. Paleoceanography 8:775-784
"Dieters"and "vomiters and purgers"in anorexia nervosa.
U.S. program on materials technology for ultra-supercritical coal power plants
Ice‐rafted debris associated with binge/purge oscillations of the Laurentide Ice Sheet