purified water[化][医]净化水
purified air净化空气
purified cotton纯棉;精制棉;消毒棉
- The purified water then descends by gravity to a basement holding tank.
经过净化的水靠重力流到地下室的另一个集水箱里。 - Many modern drugs are the purified form of chemicals present in traditional medicines.
Transfer of purified herpes virus thymidine kinase gene to cultured mouse cells
Identification of self peptides bound to purified HLA-B27.
High doses of purified stem cells cause early hematopoietic recovery in syngeneic and allogeneic hosts
Purified intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) is a ligand for lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 (LFA-1).
Highly purified CD44+ prostate cancer cells from xenograft human tumors are enriched in tumorigenic and metastatic progenitor cells.
Highly purified murine interleukin 5 (IL-5) stimulates eosinophil function and prolongs in vitro survival. IL-5 as an eosinophil che...
Molecular and cellular characterisation of highly purified stromal stem cells derived from human bone marrow.
AIN-93 purified diets for laboratory rodents: final report of the American Institute of Nutrition ad hoc writing committee on the re...
Development and testing of the AIN-93 purified diets for rodents: results on growth, kidney calcification and bone mineralization in...
Growth kinetics, self‐renewal, and the osteogenic potential of purified human mesenchymal stem cells during extensive subcultivatio...