- Shen Congwen advocated serious societal objective and individual aim for art and this purposefulness about art was the manifestation of his instrumentality rationale of art.
Purposefulness in human life.
Purposefulness: A fourth superfactor?
Purposeful and Non-Purposefulness Behavior A Rejoinder
Occupation: Purposefulness and meaningfulness as therapeutic mechanisms.
[Purposefulness of using fuzzy logic approaches in the rare disease clinical trials].
The Perceived Purposefulness of Job Behavior: Antecedents and Consequences
Comments on a Mechanistic Conception of Purposefulness
La fin. Jacques Derrida's considerations on non-purposefulness
Determining the purposefulness of new services on the grounds of the results of quantitative analysis
Occupation: purposefulness and meaningfulness as therapeutic mechanisms. 1995 Eleanor Clarke Slagle Lecture