- Just as purposeless life goes to sea and sails but has no compass.
漫无目的的生活就像出海航行而没有指南针。 - Approached in the dark, the lights looked lonely and purposeless.
Purposeless repeated acquisition time-lapse seismic data processing
Induction of purposeless chewing behaviour in rats by 5-HT agonist drugs
Pilocarpine-induced purposeless chewing behaviour in rats is dependent on intact central stores of 5-HT
A comparison of purposeless movements in psychiatric patients treated with antipsychotic drugs, and normal individuals.
Scopolamine fails to diminish chronic haloperidol-induced purposeless chewing in rats
The pharmacological characterisation of pilocarpine-induced purposeless chewing behaviour in the rat
Pharmacological characterisation of spontaneous or drug-associated purposeless chewing movements in rats
Drugs acting at D-1 and D-2 dopamine receptors induce identical purposeless chewing in rats which can be differentiated by cholinerg...
Assessment of the muscarinic receptor subtype involved in the mediation of pilocarpine-induced purposeless chewing behaviour.
Serotonin2C ligands exhibiting full negative and positive intrinsic activity elicit purposeless oral movements in rats: distinct eff...