- The tongue-and-groove articulation between the quadrangular cartilage and the maxillary and palatine crest deserves special mention.
Hepatoprotective effect of Combretum quadrangulare and its constituents.
ChemInform Abstract: Methyl Quadrangularates A—D and Related Triterpenes from Combretum quadrangulare
Thirteen novel cycloartane-type triterpenes from Combretum quadrangulare.
Attaching structural unit used for installing quadrangular solar-battery module onto slanted roof
Experimental and numerical studies on the response of quadrangular stiffened plates. Part I: uniform blast loading
A new efficient and direct solution for pose estimation using quadrangular targets: algorithm and evaluation
A New Efficient and Direct Solution for Pose Estimation Using Quadrangular Targets: Algorithm and Evaluation
Experimental and numerical studies on the response of quadrangular stiffened plates. Part II: localised blast loading
Quadranosides VI-XI, six new triterpene glucosides from the seeds of Combretum quadrangulare
Experimental and numerical studies on the response of quadrangular stiffened plates. Part I: subjected to uniform blast load