""(Quotation Marks)
Quotation Marks
Quotation marks: demonstratives or demonstrations?
How quotation marks what people do with words ☆
Quotation marks as monsters, or the other way around?
Prosodic correlates of subclausal quotation marks
The Quotation marks have a certain importance: Prospects for a ' memory studies'
Death in Quotation Marks: Cultural Myths of the Modern Poet by Svetlana Boym (review)
Frontmatter : Death in Quotation Marks Cultural Myths of the Modern Poet
The Philosophy of Gottlob Frege: Through the Quotation Marks
Conclusion: The Death of the Critic? : Death in Quotation Marks Cultural Myths of the Modern Poet
An analysis of linguistic signs occurring in suppositio materialis or the meaning of quotation marks and their phonetic equivalents