
  • n.

    公谊会教徒,贵格会教徒,教友会教徒(基督教教派,反对暴力,宗教仪式简单且无神职人员)( Quaker的名词复数 );

  • 英英释义

    Quakers[ 'kweikəz ]

    • n.a Christian sect founded by George Fox about 1660; commonly called Quakers

      同义词:Religious Society of FriendsSociety of Friends



    The Quakers in America:
    The Quakers in Puritan England
    Quakers in the Royal Society, 1660-1750
    John Bright and the quakers
    The Quakers and the English Revolution by Barry Reay
    "The Quakers in the American Colonies,"By Rufus M. Jones and Others
    Print Culture and the Early Quakers by Kate Peters
    Kate Peters. Print Culture and the Early Quakers.
    Friends in Life and Death: The British and Irish Quakers in the Demographic Transition, 1650-1900 (review)
    Let Your Words Be Few: Symbolism of Speaking and Silence among Seventeenth-Century Quakers