Demography of the Jungle Babbler, Turdoides striatusCOMMUNAL NESTING BY THE ARABIAN BABBLER:A case of individual selectionFood division in the Arabian babbler nest: adult choice or nestling competition?Social organization and feeding of the Rufous Babbler Pomatostomus isidoriState-dependent sentinels: an experimental study in the Arabian babbler.Alarm calls as costly signals of antipredator vigilance: The watchful babbler game.Relatedness and chick-feeding effort in the cooperatively breeding Arabian babbler.Effects of Helpers on Feeding of Nestlings in the Grey-Crowned Babbler (Pomatostomus temporalis)Facultative response to a kleptoparasite by the cooperatively breeding pied babblerParents and helpers compensate for experimental changes in the provisioning effort of others in the Arabian babbler.