Studies on Quinin.Quinin Poisoning, Its Ocular Lesions and Visual DisturbancesSome Effects of Quinin Derivatives in Experimental Pneumococcus Studies.THE TREATMENT OF HUMAN RABIES WITH QUININ AND WITH PHENOLFurther Observations on the Effect of Quinin in RabiesXII.—SKIN REACTIONS TO APOTHESIN AND QUININ IN SUSCEPTIBLE PERSONSThe Protective and Curative Value of Quinin and Urea Hydrochlorid, Ethylhydrocuprein, and Other Cinchona Derivatives in Experimental...The Influence of Quinin and Urea Hydrochlorid, Ethylhydrocuprein, and other Cinchona Derivatives on Leukocytosis and on Phagocytosis...Germicidal Action and Specific Bacteriotropism of Quinin and Urea Hydrochlorid, Ethylhydrocuprein, and other Cinchona Derivatives ...On the Toxic Substances from Virulent Pneumococci and Pneumonic Lungs and the Influence Thereon of Quinin and Urea Hydrochlorid, Eth...