- Quinoa brings a lot to the table.
藜麦给我们提供很多营养。 - So I've got two cups of water into the pot, and one cup of Quinoa.
The Assignment of Absolute Configuration by NMRFijianolides, polyketide heterocycles from a marine spongeMycothiazole, a polyketide heterocycle from a marine spongeConformational Structure and Dynamics of Arylmethoxyacetates: DNMR Spectroscopy and Aromatic Shielding EffectNovel sponge-derived amino acids. 5. Structures, stereochemistry, and synthesis of several new heterocyclesChemInform Abstract: Fijianolides, Polyketide Heterocycles from a Marine SpongeBengamides, heterocyclic anthelmintics from a Jaspidae marine spongeChemInform Abstract: Heterocycles from the Marine Sponge Xestospongia sp.Determination of the Absolute Stereochemistry of Chiral Amines by 1H NMR of Arylmethoxyacetic Acid Amides: The Conformational ModelChemInform Abstract: Complete Structural Analysis of Cyclic Polyhalogenated Monoterpenes. A Force Field 2D‐NMR Study