R-rated movies, bedroom televisions, and initiation of smoking by white and black adolescents
The effects of R-rated violence and erotica, individual differences, and victim characteristics on acquaintance rape proclivity.
The Effects of Viewing R-rated Movie Scenes That Objectify Women on Perceptions of Date Rape
R-rated movie viewing, growth in sensation seeking and alcohol initiation: reciprocal and moderation effects
R-rated film viewing and adolescent smoking.
Sex content in R-rated films viewed by adolescents.
Parental R-Rated Movie Restriction and Early-Onset Alcohol Use*
Cigarettes and Cinema: Does Parental Restriction of R-Rated Movie Viewing Reduce Adolescent Smoking Susceptibility?
Association of Smoking Onset With R-Rated Movie Restrictions and Adolescent Sensation Seeking
An evaluation of the Motion Picture Association of America's treatment of violence in PG-, PG-13-, and R-rated films