
英 ['reɪdɪəlɪə]
美 ['reɪdɪrlɪr]
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    Vendiata-primitive precambrian radialia
    Die Tentaculata im phylogenetischen System der Bilateria - gehören sie zu den Radialia oder den Lophotrochozoa?
    Evaluation Of Promising Lines And Greengram (Vigne Radialia (L) Wilczek) Obtained Through Recurent Mulagenesis
    Promorphology of the Vendian Radialia as a key to understanding the early evolution of Coelenterata
    Promorphology of Vendian Radialia as a key to understanding the early evolution of Coelenterata
    Ueber eine hernienartige Aussackung der Synovialhaut der Radio-Carpalkapsel in den Sulcus radialis, aber hinter die Vasa radialia
    Ultrastructure and formation of the body cavity lining in Phoronis muelleri (Phoronida, Lophophorata)
    Bemerkungen 眉ber einige Encrinus-Arten.
    Bemerkungen über einige Encrinus-Arten.
    Palaeophragmodictya spinosa sp. nov., a bilateral benthic organism from the Vendian of the Southeastern White Sea Region