Increase rascally rifleThose"Rascally"Rabbits: A Biological Control Decision CaseRascally Signs in Sacred Places:The Politics of Culture in NicaraguaThe future: "Where are you rascally rabbit?"(Elmer Fudd)Rascally Signs in Sacred Places: The Politics of Culture in Nicaragua by David E. Whisnant"These Rascally Spackaloids": The Rise of Gispaxlots Hegemony at Fort Simpson, 1832-40The story of nitric oxide: from rascally radical to miracle molecule“Some rascally business”: Thieving slaves, unscrupulous whites, and charleston's illicit waterfront tradeUnfair Masters and Rascally Servants? Labour Relations among Bourgeois, Clerks and Voyageurs in the Montréal Fur Trade, 1780-1821Tragic Parlor Pigs and Comedic Rascally Rabbits: Why Common Law Nuisance Exceptions Refute Coase's Economic Analysis of the Law