The reproduction and development of sharks, skates, rays and ratfishes: introduction, history, overview, and future prospectsThe reproduction and development of sharks, skates, rays and ratfishes: introduction, history, overview, and future prospectsRabbitfishes, Chimaeras & Ratfishes (Holocephali) in Irish watersUnder pressure: Ventilatory and suction feeding mechanics of ratfishes (Chimaeroidea)Under Pressure: Ventilatory and Suction Feeding Mechanics of Ratfishes (Chimaeroidea)The reproduction and development of sharks, skates, rays and ratfishes : Edited by L.S. Demski & J.P. Wourms; Kluwer Academic Publis...The shark nursery of Bulls Bay, South Carolina, with a review of the shark nurseries of the southeastern coast of the United StatesPredation on elasmobranch eggs. Environ Biol FishesExogenous 14C-urea distribution in ChimaerasStudies of Bacteriophage P2 DNA Replication : The DNA Sequence of the Cis -acting gene A and ori Region and Construction of a P2 M...