Autocrine Overexpression of CTGF Maintains Fibrosis: RDA Analysis of Fibrosis Genes in Systemic Sclerosis
Schoenfeld A, Davidowitz EJ, Burk RDA second major native von Hippel-Lindau gene product, initiated from an internal translation sta...
A Study on the Bibliographic Description of RDA & KCR4 Cataloging Rules for FRBRizing the Aggregates
The Pierre Auger Research and Development Array (RDA) in southeastern Colorado – R&D for a giant ground array
Task-based language learning and teaching
New Method for High-Accuracy Determination of the Fine-Structure Constant Based on Quantized Hall Resistance
Uniform Crossover in Genetic Algorithms
Uniform Crossover in Genetic Algorithms
The GROMOS Biomolecular Simulation Program Package
Long-Term Homocysteine-Lowering Treatment With Folic Acid Plus Pyridoxine Is Associated With Decreased Blood Pressure but Not With I...