- Luke, sensing the Jedi's ire, began to sniffle and Obi-Wan stroked his head reassuringly.
Reassuringly expensive
Reassuringly expensive
Clomiphene citrate – a reassuringly safe drug
Clomiphene citrate – a reassuringly safe drug
Death From Anaphylaxis Is a Reassuringly Unusual Outcome
Reassuringly low carriage of enteropathogens among healthy Swedish children in day care centres
Reassuringly calm? Self-reported patterns of responses to reassurance seeking in obsessive compulsive disorder
Reassuringly expensive? The spiralling cost of using part-time soldiers overseas : from Britain's Territorials to the new Army Reserve
The trend towards nephron-sparing procedures for renal masses: Surprisingly slow or reassuringly rapid?
It's Reassuringly Familiar; the V50 Has, in Its Own Quiet Way, Notched Up Some Decent Sales Figures for Volvo. since It Was Launched...