用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- reassure the sick man消除病人对健康的疑虑
- The police reassured her about the child's safety.
警察让她放心,她的孩子很安全。 - We went to the hospital to reassure ourselves about his condition.
我们去医院查明他的病情以使我们安心。 - The manager tried to reassure her that she will not lose her job.
经理试图使她解除疑虑,她是不会失去工作的。 - A glance in the mirror reassured him that his tie wasn't crooked.
他照了一下镜子,领带确实没有戴歪。 - Let me reassure you (that) your service is quite satisfying.
让我向您保证,您的服务是很令人满意的。 - This seemed to reassure him and he continued more confidently.
Are people with negative diabetes screening tests falsely reassured? Parallel group cohort study embedded in the ADDITION (Cambridge...
Who is Not Reassured Following Benign Diagnosis of Breast Symptoms?
Who is not reassured following benign diagnosis of breast symptoms? (p 239-246)
To be reassured or to understand? A dilemma in communicating normal cervical screening results.
Reassured or fobbed off? Perspectives on infertility consultations in primary care: a qualitative study.
Mother Teresa versus Ebenezer Scrooge: mortality salience leads proselfs to endorse self-transcendent values (unless proselfs are re...
Management of non-cardiac chest pain: from research to clinical practice
Attitudes of women with chronic pelvic pain to the gynaecological consultation: a qualitative study
Communicating the diagnosis of lung cancer.
Testing the Waters: Taking Risks to Gain Reassurance in Public Goods Games