HISTORIA NATURAL DE LAS HORMIGASDes mouches à quatre aisles nommées Demoiselles Tome 6The Natural History of AntsNature's enigmaHistoria natural de las hormigas: (de un manuscrito en los archivos de la Academia de Ciencias de París)ReaumurCorrelationsBetweenFoliarStableCarbonIsotopeCompositionandEnviron-mentalFactorsinDesertPlantReaumuriasoongorica(Pall.)Maxim.Reference Gene Selection for Quantitative Real-Time PCR Normalization in Reaumuria soongoricaIncremental Costs and Benefits Shape Natal Dispersal: Theory and Example with Hemilepistus reaumuriTranscriptomic profiling of the salt-stress response in the wild recretohalophyte Reaumuria trigyna